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Any update on the Godot port?


Its been somewhat slow, but we're making on adding all the core features as well some quality of life for development as everything from the game-making UI is being built from scratch on the developer side

There are a few update posts on the Pixiv Fanbox available to the public, as we're not charging for any future updates until we're caught up to speed


well that sucks. this game was one of the best 'cute is justice' moege porn games I've seen. the style is a huge selling point. Hopefully you can find a solution that keeps the same spirit but is not the same style?


We're working on switching to the Godot engine, as well replacing all of the art, which might take a while... But all of the foundation is there, and we're just porting it all over, refining the code and adding some quality of life features

Easier said than done, but I do think that the art changes, depending on who you ask, is going to be a lot cuter


That's great to hear. 


Its unfortunate that this is where it ends, what was there was very charming and unique and i had hopes it would go somewhere.


The main artist for the project said that it's over, but I've poured countless hours into everything but the art, so I'm working on an alternative right now with a few friends of mine to replace the art assets, keeping the game as it is and continuing in the same direction, just with a different art style

It will take some time, but I'm not letting this game die just yet- we're determined to make it work without the previous artist

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im sorry for stupid qestions but what does the status tab entail?

im asking chause i reached 100%  with lily and is it sopoused to do something  or is it wip?

It's WIP, it'll be more relevant in the next build which will be available for backers first on the Fanbox ^^

Im surprised and disappointed ... Considering this is "furry" .. i dont see any hairy.... However... Very cute and nice game... 


omg, cute, flat is justice chibi girls to play with?
... ok you got a new follower.


will there be an android version?

I'm hoping to find a working fix for the APK in between the Japanese localization and the upcoming  post-demo content update ^^

I unfortunately can't name any dates or make any promises right now, but I'm sure it's possible

Getting a crash when I save, and/or continue :  Failed To Load  img/character/Actor1.png


Hiya, at what part of the game does this occur?

If you could share any more information that'd be good, thank you ^^


So I try to save at the first opportunity after the intro because I didn't want to have to sit though a lengthy intro twice, and that was just after being prompted to get Kiki dressed (so I hadn't even gone outside yet).  It was at that point it threw the error.
I re-started with a NEW GAME (because  CONTINUE would throw the error as well).  This time I waited till after I had gone outside and after I had gotten Kiki's companion before I tried to SAVE, and it worked fine, no error.
I hope this helps.


I've tried and could not replicate the issue- I'll have to look into this further

Thank you for bringing it to our attention ^^


Lilly's self heal made me laugh harder than I sould have. 😂

Honestly would love to play the full version.

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im sort of stuck in the area after the 1st cave. Where do i go after ive been there. I already got the branch

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For full transparency, this review has been written for the gameplay up to the first boss. Following content, I have not reached yet.

"Kiki Quest" is a game made by Dori (Nekori) and revolves around kiki, a rat girl, and is accompanied by her friend named Lilly (a frog girl), who, similarly to Pokémon games and referenced in the same way, is obtained from the "professor." These two go off and enter a cave, where they have to solve a few puzzles. After getting out of the cave, they see a goat (maybe wrong) girl who is in 'trouble' getting taken advantage of by a bunny boy and two bunny girls. Oh, no~

The graphics in the game employ a detailed, soft art style, which I find enjoyable. I've never seen an art style done like this in the games I've played, and it has a charm to it. Notably, many draw inspiration from animals, such as spiders, dogs, and bunnies.

The gameplay is well executed in its movement mechanics, using upgraded movement mechanics compared to many other RPGs, and is performed very smoothly. The path is relatively straight so far, with not many deviations from the path you're meant to take, so it's quite hard to get lost. In some parts, it's not super clear, but it does link to the story, which is why it's not super clear.

Although many NSFW images are available through playing in battles, the game has a great story that is not usual for a game like this and often has one or the other.

I will say I am eagerly awaiting a mobile release of the game since that is the main device I wish to play most of these games on.

In conclusion, I'd say "Kiki Quest" is a commendable game for what it aims to be, and I'm eager to delve deeper into it. I look forward to seeing where this project goes as well! 

Overall, I'd rate it 9/10 thus far. A fantastic game!


как я прошёл игру ни разу не встретив ни одного из NPC? я удовлетворил травяных сестёр с мамкой и просто пришёл в город! всё! один диалог и игра закончилась! что я сделал не так?



VERY good UI and look of the game. I get stuck in the cave, there does not seem to be anywhere to go. What am I missing?

After you reach the west-most area and press the button, head back to the right using the shortcut and explore the new area ^^




Very enjoyable! Only partway through the demo, but I'm having a great time. :)


And finished the demo. I had a cutscene to go, and that was it. :P

But yee, looking forward to more! :)


The Android file error has not yet been fixed


Sorry for the wait, there might be some issues with the code/encryption, so I'm trying some things ^^

Hopefully it'll be resolved soon


how do i play on android?


Ah, sorry, sorry

I forgot to upload the Android version, my bad ^^

Hopefully it all works now


It doesnt work. For an android downloads it needs to be a .apk file not a .zip and/or .exe file sometimes you can put the apk within a .zip file but its not recommended. Hope this helped! Im exited to play!


Ah, that's good to know, I'll try and get this issue sorted asap

Thank you ^^

Ehh... monster girls, is this only girl on girl action?

there is at least ONE boy monster in the game as a miniboss I hope they will add more boys

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What kind of fetishes are in/planned?


A variety, everything from yuri/straight to futa

Each scene will have its own unique scenario and with the introduction of more monster girls/guys there'll be even more variety, but it'll be mainly vanilla, so nothing too hardcore~